Your Electrical Contractors In Auckland Will Tell You That LED Lighting Is A Good Idea

Your Electrical Contractors In Auckland Will Tell You That LED Lighting Is A Good Idea

As the cost of living continues to rise, we are all looking for ways to trim our budget of unnecessary expenses. Electricity is probably a prominent feature on the list of your monthly payments, so now is a good time to chat to your electrical contractors in Auckland about ways to reduce your consumption.

Making the switch to LED lighting is a smart option that can provide significant savings in the long term, so read on to learn more about LED lighting and why it is a good idea to use it.

What Is LED Lighting?

LED stands for light emitting diode and works when an electrical current passes through a microchip, illuminating the tiny light sources that we refer to as LED. These small semiconductors are therefore capable of producing visible light.

The difference between this technology and traditional incandescent lighting is that LED lighting can produce light up to 90% much more efficiently.

In addition, LED lights last up to 25 times longer than their incandescent counterparts. While LED bulbs might still be more expensive, the trend is that the price is dropping, which is expected to continue in the future.

Electrical Contractors In Auckland Compare LED, CFL And Incandescent Bulbs

The three main types of bulbs available are:

  • Incandescent bulbs – these are the traditional type of bulbs that have been in common usage for many, many years. How they produce light is not efficient, and their lifespan is limited.
  • Compact fluorescent lightbulbs (CFL) – this innovation in lighting has led the way in energy efficiency for a while as they are more efficient at producing light than an incandescent bulb.
  • LED bulbs – these extremely energy-efficient bulbs have taken the lead in the energy efficiency stakes and come in “traditional” bulb designs and other options to suit all types of lighting applications. New generation LED surpass CFL and incandescent bulbs with the lowest energy consumption and now also competitive pricing.

Electrical contractors in Auckland will explain that a 60W incandescent bulb consumes 60 kWh (kilowatt-hours) of electricity every 1000 hours. A 12W LED bulb produces a similar amount of light and but consumes only 12kWh of electricity every 1000 hours. So, the cost to operate the LED bulb is also significantly lower.

Contact Livewire Electrical today to learn more about how to make your home and business more energy efficient. We are top electrical contractors in Auckland and offer residential, commercial and industrial electrical services. No matter how big or small, our experienced team is here to help.

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